I'm Simmo and my goal
is to maximize
your flourishing

You are capable of building
the greatest possible future

Out of a slow start, I bloomed late to create deep relationships, a life of impact, freedom and adventure, and the ability to overcome my challenges. I’m here to help you do the same.

My role is to support you in building an amazing future where you succeed with the most important goals across your life, have the freedom to live as you want to, and leave a huge positive mark on the world.

After graduation my life looked like this

  • Working a job I hated with no idea what to do with my career
  • $1000s of debt
  • Living with my parents in my small hometown
  • Never had a serious girlfriend

Now it looks like this

  • I’m committed to a long-term career path that feels important,  exciting and impactful
  • I’ve found the financial independence to live the life I want to
  • I have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world and have spent the last decade living and working across dozens of countries
  • I’ve built the skills and character to have cultivated the most meaningful, long-term relationships with kind, intelligent, successful friends and partners.


This toolkit transformed my life and gifted me the capability to transform yours

— Coaching —

An Association for Coaching accredited coach through MOE Foundation.

— Rationality —

Completed the flagship Applied Rationality Workshop with Berkeley’s Center For Applied Rationality (CFAR).

Gained tools to identify our cognitive biases and leverage strategies to ensure plans are both the best possible and are guaranteed to be carried out.

The likes of LessWrong were instrumental. As the name suggests, they’re a community dedicated to humanity improving its thinking skills.

 Strategy —

I enahnced my strategy and planning abilites working with Rethink Charity, a non-profit moving $1,000,000s to high-impact charities and incubating other high impact projects.

Relationships —

Immersed myself in the world of some the world’s greatest experts in relationships and communication, working at Authentic Revolution, perhaps the most successful long running Authentic Relating organisation.

Have run dozens of Authentic Relating workshops helping high impact people build skills of connection, empathy, presence, relationship management, and conflict resolution, and completed training with A.R.T. International.

 Meditation —

Learned how to leverage the power of presence in the toughest of times. The 10-day silent meditation retreats I’ve completed — with not only no talking, but also no reading or writing, no electronics, and no eye contact — and my ongoing practice, have been game changing.

 Circling —

The practice of Cirlcing brings profound self awareness to interactions in real time. Sharing what’s noticed and opening up more curiosity to each other’s experiences is something I integrate more and more into my coaching. It’s a uniquely potent tool for me to understand more clearly how you see your life.

In my free time, in amongst the more traditionally fun stuff, I get pleasure from self reflection, planning and decision making.

I dig optimizing productivity for maximum impact.

And I love creating relationships where people feel comfortable fully opening up.

The beauty of this is once we get into that zone, you can feel comfortable and safe sharing your world in a way that allows me to act as a second brain — and heart — to work with you on honing your best life.

And one more bonus: practicing this kind of presence allows you to then more skillfully bring presence to all your interactions.

If you want a coach whose focus is where high quality thinking and deciding meets deep introspection and relational presencing, we might be a particularly good match.

Throughout my life I’ve built friendships with refugees, families in disaster zones, and PhDs at great universities; vagabonds, students, and retirees; and people from nearly all continents. Combined with my study and practice of relational skills, this allows me to create a space where you and I feel safety, trust, and ease to get into the deepest parts from where the greatest growth can sprout, whatever your background or life experiences.

Having the chance to dedicate my life to helping people massively increase the quality of their lives and their positive impact on the world, is a luxury I don’t take lightly.

I’m dedicated to continually improving my knowledge and ability to leverage the best tool kit to help us examine and upgrade every important area of your life.

The techniques I currently use include, but are not limited to:

  • GROW model coaching
  • Cirlcing (an interpersonal mindfulness practice)
  • Meditation and midfulness practices
  • Applied Rationality such as
    • Internal Double Crux
    • Trigger Action Plans
    • Murphyjitsu
    • And many more
  • Focusing
  • Nonviolent Communication
  • Authentic Relating
  • The Scale, Tractability, Neglectedness model of impact
  • Other models of introspection, planning, strategy, and productivity

If you’d like to take the next steps towards your best possible future with me by your side, I’d feel privileged to hear from you.

Click the button below and we can take things to the next level.and
